This Course is NOT for You If You Want to Write a Book But Don’t Like Reading Books! Find Something Else to Do with Your Creative Self!

All Others Who Are Ready to Write the Book Already, Read On…

Are You Ready to Write Your Book But Don’t Know Where to Start?

You're not alone. Many aspiring authors share the same challenges:

  • Procrastination leading to Stagnation: Stalling to where you don’t write at all.
  • Lack of Confidence in Writing: Doubting your ability to write compelling stories.
  • Unclear Story Ideas: Struggling to find the right idea or direction for your book.
  • Audience Uncertainty: Wondering if anyone would want to read your work.
  • Foundational Knowledge Gaps: Not understanding the basics of book writing.

Introducing the "Write the Book Already!" Online Course – your comprehensive guide to overcoming these challenges and finally writing the book the world has been waiting for you to share.

Why Join This Challenge?

Developed by Stephanie Outten, Literary Doula®:

This is not your ordinary writing course! Stephanie is an experienced writing coach dedicated to supporting you through conceiving, nurturing, and birthing your literary baby the way God intended and anointed you to do. With her guidance, you’ll gain the confidence and skills to bring your story to life.

Transform Your Writing Journey:

  • Build Confidence: Learn proven techniques to enhance your writing skills and boost your writing confidence.
  • Clarify Your Story: Discover strategies to brainstorm, develop, and refine your unique story idea.
  • Identify Your Audience: Gain insights into understanding and finding your target readers.
  • Master the Fundamentals: Understand the foundational principles of writing a book, from structure to style.

About Stephanie Outten

Stephanie Outten is not your ordinary writing coach. She is dedicated to supporting you through every step of your writing journey, helping you gain the confidence and skills to bring your story to life. With her guidance, you’ll be empowered to write the book that’s been on your heart.

What You'll Learn:

  • Identify Your WHY and Ideal Reader: Techniques to discover why you are writing the book and who your book is intended to transform.
  • Discover Your Writing Niche/Genre: Tips to help you discover the best genre in which to tell your story.
  • Developing Your Writing Voice: Practical exercises to help you develop your writing voice/identity.
  • Creating Your Writing Schedule: Strategies to eliminate distractions so you can WRITE.
  • Building Your Winning Writing Team: Learning the foundational roles that help you bring your book to life.

Don't believe us, believe them

I just loved it! Stephanie is a Literary Doula, and when I tell you all that is what she is, God is so good. Stephanie has a soft and articulate way of walking you through writing your book and finding your reason why. She took her time giving us homework and all the things you need to know to write your book. Don't be afraid to get to the "meats and potatoes" of writing your book; I will definitely be back to take more of her classes.

Pastor Brenda Johnson

Wow! I learned so much from the first time I met Stephanie when she did her mini Write the Book Already workshop at USF. She was so transparent and gave great information I never knew about the publishing process after writing. That's why I signed up for the 5-Day challenge and am so happy I did. Now, I am working with Stephanie 1:1 to write my first book.

Olivia Judge

One of the biggest things I learned from this course is that it's okay for me to stop trying to do everything by myself. I am self-taught in a lot of things I do, and there's been fear around paying people to do things for me. But, I do need support when it comes to writing this book, so I have to move past the fear to get my writing team together to support me in writing this book.

J. Slatton

Course Features:

  • Interactive Modules: Engaging lessons that break down the writing process into manageable steps.
  • Expert Feedback: Watch how Stephanie Outten offers personalized feedback to help authors refine their work.
  • Community Support: Connect with a supportive community of fellow writers for encouragement and inspiration.
  • Flexible Learning: Access the course materials anytime, anywhere, fitting your learning into your busy schedule.

Start Your Writing Journey Today!

Don’t let uncertainty prevent you from sharing your story with the world. The "Write the Book Already!" Online Course is designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to start your writing journey.

Sign Up Now and Take the First Step Toward Becoming a Published Author!

Click the link below to join our community of aspiring authors and start your writing journey with Stephanie Outten, Literary Doula®.

Your story deserves to be told. Let us help you write the book already.

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